


Khartoum – Sudan


Industrial Automation Turnkey Project



Industrial Automation Turnkey Project

A giant food & beverage company commenced a new edible oil project to provide the local market with high quality oil products which would be launched in 2020.

Contract was signed with VALUETEC, providing innovative automated control system for tanks farm facility which attached with the oil refinery.

The Project contains design, supply, installation & commissioning of the control system including all parts of instruments, system components, MCC cabinet and cabling.

We relied on our well known and reputable partners. Our solution combines E+H in instrumentation and Siemens in Control system creates state of art automation system which ease the product movement and blending process at tank farm to enhance the availability and reliability of the refinery system.

The project is on final stage of installation and the team works tirelessly in perfect synchronization to meet the launching date.

Driven By Values, Delivering On A Vision.